Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Agendas for O&P professional development in India

Hello everybody,

Since you have all joined the group in Whatsapp named "O&P Doctors", I would like to present three agendas for the forthcoming meeting on 30th May 2015. As suggested by our past ISPO chairman, Dr. Mehta Sir, on behalf of him the agendas are as followed. Here I would like to add the points suggested by Dr. Rajiv Verma Sir & Dr. Vinod Bhanti Sir.

1. Prefixing "Dr." before our name, any graduate/post graduate O&P running clinical practice or working for NGO or MNCs or government sectors should have the legal authority to use so. Gone are the days when O&P worked under the referrals of Doctors, now O&P is gradually becoming an independent profession. Here we are not going to prescribe drugs to our patients, rather the form of medicine that we deal with "Orthosis or Prosthesis". Members please dont be skeptical by comparing our profession with the failure of PT to do so.

2. Only an RCI registered O&P would be the licensed professional to deal with purchase and sale of OTS items, none others, same way drugs are only sold by an licensed Pharamcist. I, during my initial days struggled hard but got this big pot hole in our judiciary system; Leading OTS manufacturers like Vissco, United Medicare, Tynor, Dyna etc are pushing their product i.e. spinal brace, knee cap etc. with a tag mark "this item would be used by a disable person so tax exempted", whereas we are the only professional who can write the same none others are legally eligible. In our judiciary system, non VATed items can be sold by anybody without an original bill, so orthopedicians and physios are using this opportunity for black money generation. Our professionals who are practicing individually must have Tax Identification Number (TIN), in order to fight with them.

3. Our fellow practitioners working in any Government organization should have their own identity; from appropriate designations to free private practice (same as many of our orthopedic colleagues are doing in all NIs and state run hospitals). We have been fighting for salaries lets try a new way, ultimately dignity matters.

Apart from these agendas, as per suggestions by many yesteryear practitioners who were the founding member of OPSI; reviving the lost glory of OPSI by re-elcting the last EC of OPSI.

Dr. Rajiv Verma Sir have included:

- To stop e-marketing of OTS products and others associated with us.
- To appoint only P&O as chairman of RCI, P&O expert committee and 60-70% reservation for P&Os as it's committee members. (this point was a talk of town a few days before questioned by Dr. Thakur Sir and Dr. A. N. Nanda Sir).

Prepared by Dr. Suman Kumar Panda

1 comment:

Manish Batra said...

Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.
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Keep Posting:)